

DOH.Money operates using its native cryptocurrency, ALPH, which serves multiple roles within the ecosystem:

  • Payments: Users can pay for node deployment and services using ALPH tokens.

  • Staking: In the future, staking ALPH will be necessary to deploy nodes, adding a new layer of utility to the token.

  • Rewards: Node operators and active participants in the ecosystem will be rewarded in ALPH tokens.

The total supply of ALPH is capped at 33 million tokens, with a percentage of tokens allocated for development, marketing, and community rewards.

Total Supply: 33,300,000 $DOH

AYIN Liquidity Pools (LP)

  • Initial Liquidity on $Ayin: 22,200,000 $DOH

  • Lock Period: Until January 2025

  • Purpose: To ensure robust liquidity for trading on the $Ayin platform, thereby enhancing $DOH's market stability and accessibility.

  • Supplementary Liquidity: 7,300,000 $DOH

  • Lock Period: Until January 2025

  • Purpose: To provide additional liquidity, to reinforce the existing liquidity pool on $Ayin.

  • Total Locked Liquidity: 29,500,000 $DOH

  • Benefit: This lockup strategy aids in value preservation by controlling circulating supply and commits to long-term liquidity.

  • LP Explorer:

  • Address: vRzYW65acVfRo9LFe7kaac9scDKCdcgbXWW9vj7CpzYo

Other Allocations

  • Candyswap Fund: 3,800,000 $DOH.

  • Current Wallet: 17158BJRRrKFHhQF7XyiGzFDfSiAAEDdgqSqnc5iGnXKr (moving to multisig soon)

  • Explorer Link: View on Alephium

  • Marketing, Development, and Future Initiatives: This wallet will be used for Marketing, Contests, Promotions and Operating expenses.

  • Multisig Wallet Transition: Enhances decision-making transparency and security by requiring multiple signatures for fund utilization.

NODE Fee Breakdown

  • 40%: Infrastructure Costs

  • 20%: Platform Fee

  • 40%: Liquidity Staking Pool (ALPHDOH)

When someone purchases a node on the platform, the pricing structure and how funds are used (including the staking or liquidity provision aspect) are designed to incentivize liquidity, reward participants, and support the network's growth.

Price Structure for Node Deployment & Staking Mechanism

Let's break down how the pricing and staking mechanisms for deploying nodes could work on

1. Node Deployment Price Structure

When a user purchases or deploys a node, they will need to pay a fee that is structured to support the platform and its liquidity. The price is divided into components:

Total Deployment Fee

  • Example Amount: 10 ALPH (The final price has not been released yet)

  • The deployment fee can vary based on factors like whether it’s a testnet or mainnet node, the node’s configuration, or additional services.

Breakdown of Deployment Fee:

  1. Infrastructure Cost (e.g., server hosting, bandwidth, storage):

    • Example: 40% of the fee (4 ALPH)

    • These funds cover the actual costs of setting up and maintaining the node on the platform.

  2. Platform Fee ( revenue):

    • Example: 20% of the fee (2 ALPH)

    • This portion goes directly to the platform to support ongoing development and operational expenses.

  3. Liquidity Staking Pool:

    • Example: 40% of the fee (4 ALPH)

    • This portion is restaked into a liquidity pool or staking mechanism that supports the DOH token and ALPH ecosystem.

2. Staking Mechanism for Node Deployment

Restaking 40% of the Deployment Fee

The 40 ALPH allocated to the liquidity staking pool is converted into both ALPH and DOH tokens to increase liquidity and provide staking rewards. Here’s how it can work:

Step 1: Convert Half the ALPH to DOH

  • When a node is deployed and 4 ALPH is set aside for staking, 2 ALPH is automatically sold for DOH tokens.

  • This conversion is done at the current market rate for ALPH/DOH.

Step 2: Add Liquidity to the ALPH/DOH Pool

  • The remaining 2 ALPH and the newly acquired DOH tokens are paired and added to the liquidity pool (ALPH/DOH).

  • This ensures deeper liquidity, which benefits both trading and the stability of the token ecosystem.

Step 3: Issue LP Tokens

  • The user who deployed the node receives Liquidity Provider (LP) tokens, representing their share of the added liquidity.

  • These LP tokens can:

    • Earn rewards: The user receives a portion of the trading fees generated by the ALPH/DOH pool.

    • Be staked: Users can stake their LP tokens on to earn additional rewards in DOH tokens or governance rights.

Step 4: Node Restaking into the Staking Pool

  • If the platform offers staking for LP tokens, the user can further stake their LP tokens.

  • This creates an additional staking reward system where users earn DOH for providing liquidity to the ALPH/DOH pool.

3. Rewards Structure for Node Deployers

To further incentivize node deployment and staking, rewards can be structured as follows:

  • LP Token Rewards: Users providing liquidity with their deployment fee receive LP tokens and a percentage of the trading fees from the ALPH/DOH liquidity pool.

  • Staking Rewards: By staking their LP tokens, users can earn additional rewards in DOH tokens. This can be calculated based on:

    • The number of LP tokens staked.

    • The length of time staked.

    • Bonus tiers for early staking or larger contributions.

Example of a Node Deployment & Staking

  1. User Pays 10 ALPH to deploy a node.

  2. 4 ALPH goes to infrastructure costs.

  3. 2 ALPH is kept as a platform fee.

  4. 4 ALPH is allocated to the liquidity staking pool.

    • 2 ALPH is converted to DOH.

    • Both 2 ALPH and the acquired DOH are paired and added to the ALPH/DOH liquidity pool.

  5. User Receives LP Tokens representing their liquidity contribution.

  6. The user can choose to stake the LP tokens to earn additional rewards in DOH.

Additional Staking Considerations

  1. Lock-Up Period: To incentivize long-term commitment, staked LP tokens will be locked for a certain period, more details soon

  2. Vesting for Staking Rewards: Rewards in DOH are vested, meaning they are gradually unlocked over time to prevent immediate sell pressure on the market.

  3. Bonus for Early Stakers: Early adopters or users who stake LP tokens early can receive higher rewards or bonus multipliers for staking.

  4. Governance Rights: Users who stake their LP tokens for longer durations receive voting rights in the DOH platform’s governance model.


This approach to node deployment pricing and restaking helps maintain liquidity for the DOH token while incentivizing users to engage in long-term staking. By selling half of the ALPH for DOH and adding both ALPH and DOH to the liquidity pool, the platform ensures deeper liquidity, which benefits both the trading ecosystem and the stability of the DOH token.

This structure also provides deployers with multiple ways to earn passive income—through trading fees, staking rewards, and potential governance participation—encouraging sustained engagement with the platform.


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